Laundry Card

Laundry Card Tips & Tricks


The PinMate Laundry registration form is very specific in the information it needs follow the instructions below for a hassle-free experience:

Unit/Apt Number: Just your accommodation door/room number
Address line 1:Road name of accommodation ONLY
City: Accommodation City
Postcode: Accommodation postcode i.e. KY16 9LY


Keep your registration information as short as possible and avoid unusual characters or symbols, as the registration system doesn’t like these! If you fail to do this it may enter a “constant loading” pattern. If this happens, close the page and restart the registration process again.

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Username – When creating a Username make sure it has no spaces and is least 8 characters long.

If you get a warning message saying the card is already registered, just contact our User Support Team with your laundry card number and we can reset it for you.

How to Wash & Dry with The Washstation Laundry Card

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